Is Technology Dragging Down Freight Forwarding Customer Service? (Part II)
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Is Technology Dragging Down Freight Forwarding Customer Service? (Part II)

Is Technology Dragging Down Freight Forwarding Customer Service? (Part II)

Crucial Advantages of Working With Customer-Service Driven Trucker

So what gives human beings the upper hand over technology, especially in the trucking industry? Three most crucial reasons are:

1) Empathy

Why would we want empathy from a trucker? Isn’t this just business? Wrong. Many don’t understand the value of empathy. If a trucker posses it, it makes their work more pleasant and more meaningful. Remember when we had that one emergency shipment we were losing money on and a trucker helped out by lowering their costs just so our loss was mitigated? That’s empathy. Without it, they would charge us their normal rate. Some might even take an advantage of the situation to rip us off.

“Empathy is seeing with the eyes of another, listening with the ears of another and feeling with the heart of another.” – Alfred Adler

2) Relationships

What is trucking about if not relationships? It is planted deep into the roots of the industry. This is what moves it forward. Mutual relationships. Without them, there is no success. If we use a company that relies mostly on technology, we still need them to take the time to build meaningful relationships and be customer-oriented.

“Growth is never by mere chance; it is the result of forces working together.” – J.C. Penney

3) Problem-Solving

Even though technology seems like a more convenient solution, given its speed and convenience, can it solve an issue when it arises by itself? Sometimes- yes, but not always. Even if it could, wouldn’t we agree that solving an issue combined with empathy for the customer would provide better results?

We are aware that an entire industry is moving toward automatization. That is inevitable. Even with this, we should keep in mind that trucking, like many service-oriented businesses, will always be about developing relationships and improving customer experiences. For success, be smart about what you prioritize.